
What is "happiness" to me? a part-time job

Recently, I am troubled with money management.
I worked for a cafe for 9 months and quited it in September.
I started working there to save money for a trip. I also tried other jobs including one day jobs because I wanted to experience many jobs to know society and, of course earn more.
I had a purpose to work, and it realized already.
Now I wanna go travel again, so I have to save money.

However, my sense of values were changed.
I noticed how wonderful to live only for my pleasure during the trip.
If I don't desire something needs money, I don't have to do what I do only for money (my work was easy but too monotonous.) If I don't travel and watch musicals (at least less), I don't need much money. Which is happier for me? That is a question.

I'm a student. My parents pay a lot for my study. I like studying and reading books. People say student's duty is studying. I know. Since I quited the job, I have read many books, kept my mind calm, and satisfied with studying (though I should do more lol).
I didn't know how I hate working only for money. I eagered to travel, so I missed QOL of daily days in those days. I don't think my effort was not worth, but what should I do now?

"To find a new job which is related to my interest and work a few days a week to secure rest days for pleasure and studying" is ideal, but there are few works to fill up it.

Now I plan to work as a proctoring of TOEIC and practice exams a few a month and find other jobs in spring vacation. ( I recommend working for a tax office in March;))

I think students should manage own money to do what they want to, but I feel how difficult it is.
I wanna overcome this frustration somehow by myself and improve QOL.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I got sure that I have to start work to read your post.
    Now I have very little money to use after I quit part time job.
    I'm finding out that the money is very important...

    Your positive attitude to working is very nice.
    I want to realize about the relationship between my life and money as you do.

  2. Go travel, even if you need to borrow money!

    Meiko, you can't travel for a long time very easily after youth is over. Believe me!
