
What is the most precious thing in my life?

It is an experience in this summer.I traveled Europe for a month to go to museums and theaters.
It was the first time to do all by myself.
I earned money from last year, decided destinations, and realised my ideal trip.

During the trip, I felt really freedom. All people were strangers! All I did was to think how to enjoy now!I saw many beautiful things, ate good food, and met lovely people!
Of course, sometimes I had troubles, but I was helped by strangers almost times.
I couldn't speak English fluently, but people tried to understand me. Even if they cannot speak English, they tried to communicate with me. I moved a lot.

By the way, since I came to Tokyo, I became to dislike people a little.
Many people don't think about strange people. They like cell-phones and use them all time. Many people's faces are expressionless. I also saw these faces in Milan. why?
I found that QOL was one of my theme in academic research.

When I felt sadness in the trip, I noticed the importance of friends supported me in daily life.
Actually, I didn't think I became sad because I had to mail to family every day and I was used to do something alone. I wanted to talk with unexpected friends. It was surprised me. They were more essential people than i expected. lol

Anyway, my dried mind were moistened by the trip. I noticed and moved a lot.
I wanna go to somewhere I haven't been in next year.


The twelfth night

Yesterday, I read "The twelfth night" by Shakespeare.

The story is a simple comedy.
Twins separated by a ship accident are very resemble even if they are a boy and girl. After the accident each one think the another is dead. The girl disguised herself as a boy serves a lord and fall in love with him, but have to help the lord's love. The lord loves a countess. The countess loves the disguised girl. Love triangle! However, finally, twins can meet again. In addition, they can make two couple, the girl and the lord, and the boy and the countess. Happy end!

I could expect the end of the story from beginning.
Main story is very easy and impossible, not so amusing.
Yet, a fool served the countess and the lord was interesting.
His saying was deep and most difficult to understand the inside meaning.
I will read this book again to read it.

I read Shakespeare's works in Japanese. I heard that original his English is beautiful and fascinating, but too difficult to read at least for me.
At first I will read his books in Japanese to grasp these stories, select one, and try to read in English spending enough time.


My name

As you already know, my name is Meiko(芽生子).
I was named by my father.
When I was an elementary school student, I asked him the meaning of the name.

He said...
1. He wanted to make his children's initials same. My older sister's name is Moyuko(萌由子).
Therefore, my initial was decided on M. H.
2. He wanted to use Chinese character included "Kusa-kannmuri."
Usually, Kusa-kannmuri meams nature. He wanted his children to live naturaly and calmly.

Finally, he hit upon my name.
He hoped that I lived freshly and powerful like a hard sprout through my life.

By the way, the meanings of my sister's names are connected.
3.Moyuko 萌由子 means "bursting into leaf."(compared with mine, emphasized green leaf)
2.Meiko 芽生子 means "sprouting bud."
1.Mariko 蒔李子 means "seeding." (only seeding but with hope to bear fruits)

All my sister's like own name and thank father for his sense of naming!
Anyway, I want to be a person like one my parents hoped long long ago...lol


Who am I? How would I answer that question?

As I mentioned in my 10×10 presentation, the keyword to describe me are Roku (my lovely dog), musicals, and traveling.

I cannot remember what I was and what my family was before I met Roku.
I think I was noticed selfless love by him. He cannot live without our care, and love. Of course, he doesn't have a blood relationship to us. Yet, he is too lovely to made us the care troublesome. After he came, my family got more harmonious. Also I became warmer than before. I think to love own children is similar to love him.

Musicals and traveling make me feel alive. They make me emotional. I like them very much, but sometimes, I think I am a very small poor person. I think I cannot be satisfied by daily own life. Therefore I go to see musicals or travel to escape from reality...? Anyway... I love them. That's all.

I know I am easy to be absorbed in the story of books and movies. I willing to do so because it is muci more interesting than to see critically and cynically. However, I don't think I'm not optimist or dreamer. I am not so girly person.

Anyway, I hope you know me and I know you as we talk with.

Have a nice dream.



I like reading a book. Recently I read "Undine" written by Jean Giraudoux.

The story of the book is Undine, an elf of water, foll in love with Hans, a man. They get married soon, but Hans betray her. However, before their marriage Undine make a promise with a king of the elf that Hans have to be killed if Hans desert her. She notice he would betray, but she still love him. Therefore, she tries to betray him before he do. Yet, elfs cannot lie like men can. At last, his betray is exposed by the king of the elf, Hans have to die and Undine have to be forgotten aboout him. Hans realizes her love again before dying, but too late.

The two obvious differences between elfs and men is, if they can lie and if they can erase a failure. Elfs cannot lie but can erase a failure, but man can lie but cannot erase the past. It is too difficult to live obedient in men world. Moreover, men make mistakes and shoulder those forever.
During reading, I couldn't stand a foolishness of Hans. At same time, I thought I could not behave like Undine. It was too pitiful for me to watch her. She was too pure. Hans is an example of men.

I like to read classic books like this. I can understand many people, especially girls, like pure love stories. Simultaneously, I know many of them don't believe that these can be realized. Just dream a little bit, then we live in this men world.


Nice to meet you

Hi, I'm Meiko.
I'm... a member of LAMBS, from Fukushima, live in Itabashi-ku with my sister.
I love... my dog, musicals, movies, travels.
Nice to meet you!

Then, the first topic is "why did I decide to take this class?"

At first, I like to write something, especially a dialy. Writing helps me to think about complicated things deeply and easily. In addition, written-ins can be remaind for a long time. It is interesting to read them again in a future. However, I don't want to keep dialy everyday because I'm lazy. I want to keep dialy when something is happend only. How about academic writings...I don't like it so much. To write them, I have to read many souces and think about how I can persuad readers...etc. If I have enough interests in a topic and storong opinion to descrive, it's very interesting work. But not always. I learned choosing topic was the most important thing to keep writing. When I looked all topics of SE classes, it looked interesting to think and write about myself. I think about myself in daily life maybe like other people do. However I haven't seen people meet together and think about themselves in class. What will happen in this class? I'm really interested in that. That's the reason to take this class.

My blog title "repos de la nuit" is a name of my favorite picture of Mucha.
Maybe I will write this blog at night. I want to do that like Mucha's work, relax and calm.