

I like reading a book. Recently I read "Undine" written by Jean Giraudoux.

The story of the book is Undine, an elf of water, foll in love with Hans, a man. They get married soon, but Hans betray her. However, before their marriage Undine make a promise with a king of the elf that Hans have to be killed if Hans desert her. She notice he would betray, but she still love him. Therefore, she tries to betray him before he do. Yet, elfs cannot lie like men can. At last, his betray is exposed by the king of the elf, Hans have to die and Undine have to be forgotten aboout him. Hans realizes her love again before dying, but too late.

The two obvious differences between elfs and men is, if they can lie and if they can erase a failure. Elfs cannot lie but can erase a failure, but man can lie but cannot erase the past. It is too difficult to live obedient in men world. Moreover, men make mistakes and shoulder those forever.
During reading, I couldn't stand a foolishness of Hans. At same time, I thought I could not behave like Undine. It was too pitiful for me to watch her. She was too pure. Hans is an example of men.

I like to read classic books like this. I can understand many people, especially girls, like pure love stories. Simultaneously, I know many of them don't believe that these can be realized. Just dream a little bit, then we live in this men world.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, Meiko!
    I love reading too!
    I always read academic books but interested in love story like you talked about.
    I wanna learn about the foolishness of men by reading these books lol
    Anyway, good luck your reading and have a nice day!
