
What are my greatest strengths and weaknesses?

I think my greatest strengths are...
・to be absorbed in something
My interest is likely to change, but I am completely fascinated with each one.
Of course, some are remained as my hobby. I am looking for new interest every day.
・to respect and love many people
I think to love is more difficult than to envy.
When I am pessimistic about own life, I cannot love something nice or admirable person.
Yet, now I can. I think it is an evidence of being positive.
・to have good relationship with family and friends
I am very happy to live supported by them.
I believe I also support them somehow.
On the other hand, my weaknesses are...
・not to speak to new person lol
My family say I am pretend to be a quiet shy girl in front of new people.
Of course, it's not true. Just I cannot but, I think I don't have to try too hard to be friendly.
・not to try hard to do what I don't want to do
I cannot have interests in what I have to do. I need a chance to like them to accomplish them.
・to depend too much on old friends
I have old friends. We were brought up together, and now they all live in Tokyo. When something bad happens to me, I suddenly tell it and meet them to get some advice. However, we are almost adult now. I think I have to be independent of them a little bit.
It is interesting to think about my strengths and weaknesses. We tend to think only about weaknesses. I am glad to find my good points :) and want to improve weaknesses little by little.

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