

In this term, I take a class, "Interpreting in Society."
This class focus on not only Interpreting but also other profession intermediate between anything and anybody.

To intermediate is very difficult work.
For example, interpreters have to tell what speaker talked to listener in different language. To do this, they have to study about a topic in advance. Besides, depending on a case, they are needed added value like presiding and arbitrating. Though these work are not original work but needed in fact.

As a final paper, I will write a report about something related to intermediate.
My theme is directing of foreign musical in Japan as intermediating between an original musical and Japanese. As I talked about Romeo and Juliet the musical before, this work was played in over25 countries. And each time the contents is different by directing though the songs used in were aimost same. What did directer do to atract people in a country?
Actually, Japanese one directed by Shuichiro Koike was not so good for me. However, that't why I become interested in directing lol
Now I read a book about directing and acting, or a role of directers. I found some new points to see acting. I recommend to study it if you want to enjoy movies and of course musicals.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, Meiko.
    I'm interested in your topic, directing.

    Many friends of mine like plays, and all of them say that directing is very important, and each director makes the same play different.
    I want to make sure that is true by watching many plays. (But I don't have enough money...orz)

    Anyway, your effort in the class is interesting.
    I felt there is the soul of studying, which tries to seek the depth of things you like.
